Car, bus, train, aircraft chairs are mainly produced from moulded elastic HR foam.
This type of foam is most suitable for complicated and nonstandard shape parts.
Moulded foam technology guarantees always exact shape, easy controlled and adjustable hardness and density of the foam.
We supply a range of qualities from 40 to 70kg/m3 that are ideal for transport sector chairs, and enable to maintain their shape,
firmness and guarantees the sitting comfort over time.
These chairs are most often produced with integrated steal or aluminum inserts that are moulded into the foam during technological process.
Integral skin foam (nuoroda) can be used for armrests and other parts that needs to be resistant for other mechanical impact.
We are also producing fire resistant CMHR foam which corresponds to
Crib 5 test requirements.
We have a mould production facility and employ experienced staff, who design and produce moulds in close collaboration with the customers.